Interfaces involving touch-based interactions (e.g. (multi)touch screens, NFC/RFID, ubiquitous interfaces) require very simple user actions. However, such interfaces often are unfamiliar to users and therefore do not trigger correct interactions. This leads to the question of how to design simple, intuitive touch-based interfaces. In most cases the interaction is made clear by adding (graphic) signage. However, in this workshop, the concept of touch affordances will be approached from a broader perspective.
The goals of this workshop are to:
- create a common understanding of touch affordances
- start up a community around this topic
- generate new research ideas
The creative, generative workshop has four sessions:
1. Keynote presentation and wrap-up of position papers
2. Introduction to creative part of the workshop and a brainstorm exercise.
3. Group exercise: developing low-fi touch affordance prototypes
4. Prototype testing
Anyone interested in touch-based interfaces and interaction is invited to participate. Participants are asked to submit a position paper (about 4 pages) about their work or vision related to the field of touch affordances. Examples of relevant issues are:
- Methods to communicate touch-based interaction in an intuitive, implicit way
- Success stories of intuitive touch interfaces
- The value of “touch” with regard to user perception
- The impact of a touch-related interface on user experience
Papers can be submitted via the workshop’s website: At least one author of each accepted papers needs to register for the workshop and for the conference itself.